Metaphor in Business English as means of influence on target audience


  • Marina Lvovna Dyakova Russian Foreign Trade Academy


Stylistics, pragmatics, text analysis, methods of teaching, English


The article is devoted to the role of metaphor in Business English text books. It looks at the pragmatic potential of the named stylistic device. Particular attention is paid to the text-building features of metaphor alongside its role in new trends of scientific branches formation. The analysis of metaphor in the British press articles under review shows the ability of the device to add new content together with the emotional coloring and suggests transformations in the evaluation of the original terms. Certain recommendations may help teachers of Business English in their work.

Author Biography

Marina Lvovna Dyakova, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Ph.D. (Linguistics), ssociate professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Academic Department of English Language for International Business, assistant professor



How to Cite

Dyakova, M. L. (2024). Metaphor in Business English as means of influence on target audience. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 116–120. Retrieved from



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