Modern MNCs, Trade Policy and Geo-Economic Rivalry Issues


  • Natalia Yurievna Konina MGIMO-University
  • Yuri Anatolievich Savinov Russian Foreign Trade Academy



multinational corporations, MNCs, globalization, global value chains, trade policy, geo-economic confrontation, geo-economics


The article is devoted to identifying the features of influence of multinational corporations (MNCs) on trade policymaking. The transformations of MNCs attitude to trade policy are determined, taking into account the changes in MNCs global production systems and the creation of global value chains (GVCs). The author’s classification of MNCs approaches to trade policy is given. Methodologically, the research is based on conceptual approaches to the study of transnationalization of large companies and trade policy provisions. It is noted that MNCs consider the issues of trade policy much more widely than domestic companies, paying attention to the issues of investment, intellectual property regulation, technology transfer, information exchange, migration policy. The attitude of MNCs to preferential trade agreements and meta-regional trade agreements is analyzed. It is concluded that the range of firms interested in the liberalization of trade policy is expanding. The influence of modern geo-economic confrontation on trade policy issues and US interests is highlighted.

Author Biographies

Natalia Yurievna Konina, MGIMO-University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Work place, position: MGIMO-University, Head of the Department of Management, Marketing and FEA

Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Work place, position: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of International Trade and Foreign Trade of RF, Professor



How to Cite

Konina, N. Y., & Savinov, Y. A. (2024). Modern MNCs, Trade Policy and Geo-Economic Rivalry Issues. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (4), 53–65.



International trade

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