Situation modeling for decision making in international contracts


  • Valery Viktorovich Ivanov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Yurij Karehnovich Sarkisyants Russian Foreign Trade Academy



international contract management, mathematical modeling, situation modeling, artificial intelligence, digital tools, contract operations


The article examines the issues connected with situation modeling for decision making in international contracts are considered. Modern IT architecture and mathematical tools are used to analyze and process integrated data of transactional management and financial systems, as well as unstructured content in order to estimate the competitive potential of rivals and possible market risks when forming and executing international trade deals. The authors have analyzed approaches and principles of mathematical modeling, reviewed modern managerial and mathematical methods and tools, that can be used to form a foreign trade contract, proposed a model of decision making in managing international contracts based on digital technologies.

Author Biographies

Valery Viktorovich Ivanov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic sciences, Candidate of Engineering sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of finance and monetary relations – Professor, National research university “MIET”, Department of marketing and project management – Professor

Yurij Karehnovich Sarkisyants, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of international finance, 4th year student



How to Cite

Ivanov, V. V., & Sarkisyants, Y. K. (2024). Situation modeling for decision making in international contracts. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 80–94.



Foreign trade activity

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