Specifics of Company’s Operations during Implementation of Export Activities


  • Viktor Petrovich Medvedev Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Valery Viktorovich Ivanov Russian Foreign Trade Academy, National Research University «MIET»
  • Irina Vladimirovna Grishina Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Karen Gevorkovich Susanyan Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Andrey Olegovich Polynev Russian Foreign Trade Academy




export, foreign markets, manufacturing goods for foreign markets, tasks of managers, specifics of export activities


The deepening of the country’s participation in the international division of labour objectively requires increasing the focus of industrial and agricultural enterprises on improving the quality of products supplied to foreign markets. These issues are the top-priority ones for foreign and Russian specialists. At the same time, the growing role of managers responsible for the quality of export products is strongly emphasized. Given the importance of success in inter-firm competition in foreign markets, the necessity of introducing special product quality managers – product managers - into the staff is proved. The authors note the importance of taking into account the special characteristics of the product intended for foreign buyers.

Author Biographies

Viktor Petrovich Medvedev, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorobyevsky Highway, 6A), Department of Management and Marketing, Professor

Valery Viktorovich Ivanov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy, National Research University «MIET»

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Work place, position: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of Finance, Monetary and Credit Relations, Professor; National Research University «MIET», Department of Marketing and Project management – Professor


Irina Vladimirovna Grishina, Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Work place, position: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorobyevsky Highway, 6A), Council for the Study of Productive Resources - Deputy Chairman; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (119571, Moscow, Vernadskogo Pr., 82, p. 1), Institute of Applied Economic Research - leading researcher

Karen Gevorkovich Susanyan, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

Work place, position: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorobyevsky Highway, 6A), Academic Department of international trade and foreign trade of the RF , Professor


Andrey Olegovich Polynev, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Work place, position: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorobyevsky Highway, 6A), Council for the study of productive forces, Deputy head of the Department of theory and methodology of spatial researches



How to Cite

Medvedev, V. P., Ivanov, V. V., Grishina, I. V., Susanyan, K. G., & Polynev, A. O. (2024). Specifics of Company’s Operations during Implementation of Export Activities. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (6), 51–57. https://doi.org/10.24412.2072-8042-2021-6-51-57



Foreign trade activity

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