Outlines of structural transformations in international trade


  • Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak Russian Foreign Trade Academy


structure, transformations, goods, services, hitech, mode of supply, commercial presence, developing markets, emerging markets


The article overviews structural shifts in international trade under globalization. Special
attention is paid to trade in hitech and intellectual goods and services, changing positions of
developed and developing countries in this trade, identifi cation of leading traders in innovation
segments of the world market. New statistical data enabled carrying out a detailed analysis of
the services trade by mode of supply and concluding that inclusion of the supplied services in total volumes via establishing commercial presence abroad (mode 3 in WTO terminology) causes qualitative change in the parameters of international exchange in services and selected countries’ participation in global trade. The ongoing transformations in developing and emerging markets are assessed with growing diversification of their development trajectories in terms of their impact on the international economics and global competition.

Author Biography

Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of RF
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy y (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4A), Department of international trade and foreign trade of the RF, the Head



How to Cite

Spartak, A. N. (2024). Outlines of structural transformations in international trade. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (3), 7–23. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/2343



Foreign trade activity