Analysis of Import Support Measures under Sanctions


  • Anna Mikhailovna Bessarab Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Irina Yurievna Karkhova Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Vladislav Аlexandrovich Stetsky Russian Foreign Trade Academy



sanctions, sanctions pressure, support measures, Russian economy, import, restrictions


Economic restrictions (sanctions) have always been one of the most eff ective tools of influence on a national economy. Due to the fact that integration of national economies has been one of the most relevant trends in the global economy in recent decades, such restrictions result in a significant reduction in the growth rates of both individual industries and the entire national economy. In this regard, this article examines the pressure of economic sanctions from a number of Western countries, analyzes the economic effect of the new package of sanctions on Russia’s economy and considers a strategic plan to support it under sanctions.

Author Biographies

Anna Mikhailovna Bessarab, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Work place, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Faculty of Foreign Trade Management, Master’s degree student

Irina Yurievna Karkhova, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Work place, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of Management and Marketing, Professor

Vladislav Аlexandrovich Stetsky, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Work place, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Faculty of Foreign Trade Management, Master’s degree student



How to Cite

Bessarab, A. M., Karkhova, I. Y., & Stetsky V. А. (2024). Analysis of Import Support Measures under Sanctions. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (3), 76–83.



Foreign trade activity