Instruments of Regional Policy in Spain
Spain, Constitution, EU, Cohesion Policy, autonomy, regional incentive, Royal Decree, Directive, Interterritorial Compensation Fund, Regional State Aid, Complementary FundAbstract
In the article, the main instruments of the regional policy in Spain are considered. Spain is a country of great disproportions among its regions; besides, it suffers from strong centrifugal forces. That is why regional policy is essential for Spain. Being a member of the European Union, Spain is also a beneficiary of the EU Cohesion Policy. However, this article focuses on the measures that are taken by the Spanish national government. By the end of the Francoist period, transition to democracy and adoption of Spanish Constitution in 1978, where Spain was referred to as the state of autonomies, the basic principles of its regional policy were established. Spain had to create a new model of cooperation between the center and autonomies that could satisfy the needs of all parties.