This is an outdated version published on 2024-11-12. Read the most recent version.

Economic Partnership between the Eurasian Economic Union and China


  • David Senekerimovich Apinyan Group of Companies of the Russian Export Center; Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Karen Gevorkovich Susanyan Russian Foreign Trade Academy



This article examines the economic partnership between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China, highlighting the historical context of their relations, the current state of economic ties including trade, investment, energy, and transport infrastructure, and addressing the main challenges and issues. Special attention is paid to the prospects for deepening integration and expanding cooperation in areas such as technology, sustainable development, and digital economy, emphasizing the significance of this relationship for regional and global economy.

Author Biographies

David Senekerimovich Apinyan, Group of Companies of the Russian Export Center; Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Group of Companies of the Russian Export Center, Project Manager for the Implementation
of Acceleration Programs, Russian Foreign Trade Academy - 3rd year Postgraduate student

Karen Gevorkovich Susanyan, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of International Trade
and Foreign Trade of RF - Professor


2024-10-10 — Updated on 2024-11-12


How to Cite

Apinyan, D. S., & Susanyan, K. G. (2024). Economic Partnership between the Eurasian Economic Union and China. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 30–41. (Original work published October 10, 2024)



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