Improving Russia’s Imports of Clothing in Terms of the Changing International Division of Labour
международная торговля, международная торговля текстилем и одеждой, международное разделение труда, мировой рынок текстиля и одежды, мировой рынок одежды, индустрия моды, текстиль, одежда, экспорт одежды, импорт одежды, глобальная цепочка создания стоимости, ГЦССAbstract
The relevance of the article is related to the important role of the fashion industry and international trade in textiles and clothing in the global economy. It is revealed that a new international division of labour in the sector and globalization have affected international trade in textiles and clothing. It is found that imports of textiles and clothing have gained momentum amid globalization, and a group of large net importers of clothing was formed. It is highlighted that imports of clothing is very important for Russia, since it is a major area of spending foreign currency and plays a key role in balancing the consumer market. It is underlined that there is huge opportunity to improve Russia’s imports of clothing, and suggestions on the efforts that should be made are presented.
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