New Functions of Technical Regulation Measures in International Trade
WTO TBT Agreement, TBT measures, technical regulations, conformity assessmentAbstract
The paper is based on the analysis of WTO notifi cations, analysis of WTO and OECD publications and examines the new functions of TBT measures related to promoting the implementation of sustainable development goals, promoting environmental goods, developing innovative processes, etc. It is shown that countries increasingly use TBT-measures in times of crisis, with developing countries resorting to them more oft en than developed countries. It is noted that TBT-measures are used to increase productivity, which somewhat contradicts the provisions of the WTO TBT Agreement. Based on the results of the analysis of the Recommendations of the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade, it was concluded that the best regulatory practice in the fi eld of TBT today includes, inter alia, the establishment of a mechanism for coordinating the actions of authorities in the fi eld of technical regulation; application of practical guidelines for the implementation of regulations and conformity assessment procedures; application of technical measures to achieve environmental goals and solve the problem of climate change, etc.