Wood Pellet Market: Current State and Prospects


  • Larissa Viktorovna Krivokochenko Russian Foreign Trade Academy




biofuels, wood pellets, industrial pellets, world market, production, consumption, export, import, Asian region countries, market factors development factors, logistics


The article considers the current state and prospects for the wood pellet market, distinguishes separate market segments and characterizes the major trends in the production, consumption and international wood pellet trade. In the article, the key factors influencing the current market
and its prospects are identified; and the role of the Asian region countries - South Korea and Japan - as the fastest growing markets is justified. The role of Russia as a major exporter of wood pellets is determined; and some problems that have a constraining effect on the Russian exports are identified.

Author Biography

Larissa Viktorovna Krivokochenko, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Work place, position:Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of International Trade and Foreign Trade of the RF, Professor



How to Cite

Krivokochenko, L. V. (2024). Wood Pellet Market: Current State and Prospects. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (7), 61–73. https://doi.org/10.24412/2072-8042-2021-7-61-73



International trade