Marketing communications market: dynamics and future prospects


  • Ippolit Ippolitovich Dyumulen Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Julia Olegovna Sokol Russian Foreign Trade Academy


Marketing communications, communication channels, advertising, advertising market, Internet advertising


The article deals with the dynamics of the marketing communications’ development in Russia; particularly the changes in the Russian advertising market are being analyzed. Special attention is paid to future prospects of the global and Russian marketing communications. The article
states that under decreased eff ectiveness of traditional communication channels like television commercials, radio advertising or print advertising, the fastest growing and promising media channel is Internet advertising.

Author Biographies

Ippolit Ippolitovich Dyumulen, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of foreign trade and international transactions, Professor

Julia Olegovna Sokol, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, 6th year student, post-graduate course of International Business, Student



How to Cite

Dyumulen, I. I., & Sokol, J. O. (2024). Marketing communications market: dynamics and future prospects. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 76–85. Retrieved from



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