South-East Asia countries’ participation in international trade in aircraft parts and components


  • Aleksandr Alekseyevich Nikitenko Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Distance Learning Center
  • Aleksander Ivanovich Belchuk Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Viktor Petrovich Medvedev Russian Foreign Trade Academy


parts and components for aircraft, aircraft repair and maintenance, international airlines, Russian aircraft exports


The authors considers the development of the industry for repair and maintenance of aircraft in the countries of South and South-East Asia. Expansion of exports and imports of parts and components for aircraft in the states under review is noted. There is a high demand for parts and components for aircraft repairs in these countries due to the rapid growth in demand for air transportation. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the industry growth in such countries as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines. Many international airlines create warehouses of parts and components and maintenance centers in these countries. The establishment of such centres is an important condition for the success of sale contracts for aircraft.

Author Biographies

Aleksandr Alekseyevich Nikitenko, Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Distance Learning Center

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4A), Distance Learning Center - director; Department of foreign trade and international transactions - Postgraduate student

Aleksander Ivanovich Belchuk, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4A), Department of World and National economy - Professor

Viktor Petrovich Medvedev, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4A), Department of Management and Marketing - Professor



How to Cite

Nikitenko, A. A., Belchuk, A. I., & Medvedev, V. P. (2024). South-East Asia countries’ participation in international trade in aircraft parts and components. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 76–84. Retrieved from



Foreign trade activity

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