Strategic aspects of Russia’s services exports


  • Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak The Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI); Russian Foreign Trade Academy


trade in services, export, transformations, mode of delivery, servicification, specialization, potential, Federal project, support


The article reveals external conditions, trends and developments in Russia’s exports of services, as well as government support measures of such exports. New emerging opportunities in international trade, existing risks and challenges coming from structural and technological transformations affecting global services market in services are shown. Specific features of trade in services as compared to trade in goods are also considered. Current Russia’s role in services trade is rather weak, however our assessment confirms significant export potential both in traditional sectors (like tourism, transport, especially international transit services) and innovation, intellectual segments (computer, technological, educational, various creative industries services). Realization of this potential should be backed by the relevant Federal project “Exports of services”, containing a complex of regulatory and sectoral measures. In conclusion the author provides a set of suggestions regarding promising directions and additional assistance measures in the Russian services exports, including tasks for its adaptation to digitalization process challenges.

Author Biography

Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, The Russian Academy of Sciences; Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI); Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of RF
Place of work, post: Сorresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI) (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4) - Director, Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4A), Department of international trade and foreign trade of the RF – the Head



How to Cite

Spartak, A. N. (2024). Strategic aspects of Russia’s services exports. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 7–30. Retrieved from



Foreign trade activity