Accession to the WTO: catastrophic forecasts are not coming true


  • Vladimir Petrovich Obolensky The Institute of Economics, RAS


Decrease of the import taxes, dynamics of imports, manufacturing industries, production


The article deals with the dynamics of Russian imports from non-CIS countries aft er joining the WTO. Shifts in domestic manufacturing for the fourth quarter of the previous year are analyzed. The results of the analysis show that Russian economics passed the initial stage of the adaptation to the WTO requirements quite smoothly.

Author Biography

Vladimir Petrovich Obolensky, The Institute of Economics, RAS

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: The Institute of Economics, RAS, Center of the Institute of foreign trade activities - Head; Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of International Trade and Foreign Trade of RF, Professor



How to Cite

Obolensky, V. P. (2024). Accession to the WTO: catastrophic forecasts are not coming true. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 5–9. Retrieved from



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