Current state of the global trade in foods derived from modern biotechnology


  • Mikhail Anatolievich Golubkov Department of Asia, Africa and Latin America the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation


Food security, global GMO market, genetically modified food, the international regulation of GMOs, Russia’s prospects, development of organic products, Russia’s share, world organic market


The sphere of food and feed production based on modern biotechnologies has already had a significant number of both supporters and opponents. In particular, the implementation of biotechnologies in the agriculture and food production area has been well developed mainly in
those countries, where agricultural lands are highly exposed to frequent droughts, floods and other natural disasters, including tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Among these countries the USA, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, China, India and others are considered. Thereby, if for some countries
of the world the development of GMOs is an essential element in the national agenda of food security, for the others the GMO-based production is not so relevant for the national agriculture and food production. Naturally, Russia could be objectively noted among such countries. Given the changing structure of the global food markets Russia possesses a favorable environment for the sustainable development of the “organic” food production. Russia could use its enormous potential in this area, which, in turn, would allow to become a world center of the production and
distribution of organic food. Increased supply of the organic food in international food markets would give (and guarantee) its consumers around the world more alternatives in food preferences. On the other hand, Russia could enjoy its natural competitiveness in this area.

Author Biography

Mikhail Anatolievich Golubkov, Department of Asia, Africa and Latin America the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Place of work, post: Department of Asia, Africa and Latin America the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Department of the international organizations, The leading adviser



How to Cite

Golubkov, M. A. (2024). Current state of the global trade in foods derived from modern biotechnology. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 76–92. Retrieved from



Foreign trade activity