The Role of Customs Representatives in Foreign Trade


  • Vladimir Vasilievich Vituk Siberian State University of Railways
  • Konstantin Petrovich Fedorenko Siberian State University of Railways



foreign economic activity, foreign trade participants, declarant, customs representative, customs code, customs payments, customs declaration, SWOT analysis


The article reveals the importance of customs representatives (for a long time called customs brokers), who provide customs clearance services for goods transported by foreign trade participants across the customs border. The requirements for customs representatives, compliance with which allows them to provide intermediary services for customs declaration, are listed. The changes in the number of customs representatives in the Russian Federation are presented. Approaches to assessing the significance and prospects for the development of the institutes of customs representatives are given.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Vasilievich Vituk, Siberian State University of Railways

PhD in Law
Place of work, post: Siberian State University of Railway Transport, Department «Customs Affairs, Assistant Professor

Konstantin Petrovich Fedorenko, Siberian State University of Railways

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor 
Place of work, post: the Siberian State Transport University, Department of «Customs Affairs», the Head



How to Cite

Vituk, V. V., & Fedorenko, K. P. (2024). The Role of Customs Representatives in Foreign Trade. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 120–127.



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