Особенности государственного регулирования экспортной деятельности зарубежных государств в XXI веке. (Начало. Окончание см.№12 2011г.)


  • Denis Andreyevich Degterev MGIMO University of the Foreign Ministry of the RF


Export regulation and promotion, commercial diplomacy, export promotion agencies, promotion of foreign direct investments (FDI), US National Export Initiative, assessment of efficiency of government export support activities


The article deals with actual trends in government activities of export in foreign states. The analysis of the evolution of state export support institutions is given and the role of specialized agencies of trade promotion is highlighted. Export policies of developed countries as a key element of crisis management strategies is illustrated by US National Export Initiative. Assessment of the eff ectiveness of government export promotion activities is given.


Author Biography

Denis Andreyevich Degterev, MGIMO University of the Foreign Ministry of the RF

Ph.D. (Economics), associate professor
Place of work, post: MGIMO University of the Foreign Ministry of the RF, Academic Department of World Economy, assistant professor



How to Cite

Degterev, D. A. (2024). Особенности государственного регулирования экспортной деятельности зарубежных государств в XXI веке. (Начало. Окончание см.№12 2011г.). Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (11), 111–116. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/741



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