Мировая тенденция регионализма и интеграция в СНГ
Regionalism, Multilateralism, Integration, CIS, Customs union, Free trade area, Russia, EurAsEC, WTO, EU, EFTA, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, ASEANAbstract
The last two decades have seen a rapid expansion of Regional trade agreements (RTA) including republics of the Community of Independent States (CIS). The reason for this phenomenon is that the RTAs have certain advantages. At the same time the RTAs can greatly complicate the trading environment, creating a web of incoherent rules. In order to avoid a further growing tension between RTAs and Multilateral Trading System there is only one way: harmonizing both.
How to Cite
Portanskiy, A. P. (2024). Мировая тенденция регионализма и интеграция в СНГ. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (11), 8–17. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/716
World economy