Features and regulation of international trade in financial services
International trade, financial services, the banking sector, specific obligations, access on the market, the Dokhiysky roundAbstract
In the article international trade in financial services, features of regulation of financial services is considered by World Trade Organization agreements. Level of trade liberalization by the financial services, reached upon termination of the Uruguayan round, and also existing is considered now, during the current Dokhiysky round of multilateral trade negotiations. Obligations of Russia in sector of the financial services, accepted as a result of joining to the WTO are estimated.
How to Cite
Kuzmenko, M. G., & Sokolova, O. V. (2024). Features and regulation of international trade in financial services. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (3), 44–50. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/533
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