International competitive auctions - the tool of efficiency increase in international projects of state-private partnership


  • Leonid Grigorievich Zaitsev Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Alexander Nikolaevich Zakharov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Sergey Evgenievich Lykov Russian Foreign Trade Academy


International Competitive Bidding, International projects of public-private partnership, the law on public procurement, International competitiveness


This article focuses on International Competitive Bidding - one of the ways to improve the International projects of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in the context of globalization processes.

Author Biographies

Leonid Grigorievich Zaitsev, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Place of work, position: All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Department of Management and Marketing, Professor

Alexander Nikolaevich Zakharov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Place of work, position: All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Department of World and National Economics, Professor

Sergey Evgenievich Lykov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, position: All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Department of Management and Marketing, postgraduate student



How to Cite

Zaitsev, L. G., Zakharov, A. N., & Lykov, S. E. (2024). International competitive auctions - the tool of efficiency increase in international projects of state-private partnership. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 32–37. Retrieved from



World economy