Obligations of Russia in the WTO: pluses and minuses


  • Vladimir Petrovich Obolensky The Institute of Economics


WTO, obligations of Russia, benefits in trade politic, macroeconomic consequences, risks for sectors of economy


The article deals with conditions of the accession of Russia to the WTO: commitments of facilitation of the access to markets of goods and services, obligations in the system issues. It shows benefits in trade politics which Russian Federation will immediately get and outlines risks which certain sectors of economy might encounter in the coming years.

Author Biography

Vladimir Petrovich Obolensky , The Institute of Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: The Institute of Economics, RAS, Center of the Institute of foreign trade activities - Head; Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of International Trade and Foreign Trade of RF, Professor



How to Cite

Obolensky , V. P. (2024). Obligations of Russia in the WTO: pluses and minuses. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (2), 18–38. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/465



World economy