Transformation of Foreign Trade Cargo Flows of an Industrial Region: features and prospects


  • Natalia Aleksandrovna Matushkina The Ural Branch of RAS



export, import, industrial region, export-oriented region, cargo flow, transport and logistics infrastructure, foreign trade, non-resource exports


The article is devoted to topical issues of the development of foreign trade activities of an industrial region on the example of the Sverdlovsk region, which is an export-oriented region with non-raw material specialization. Th e analysis of trends showed that the region’s industrial complex is decisive in the formation of export and import cargo flows. Th e structure of export and import cargo fl ows has changed significantly in recent decades due to the unstable economic situation, sanctions policy and the consequences of the pandemic. Given the potential of the industrial and transport and logistics complex on the international market, the main directions and prospects for preserving and increasing export and import cargo flows processed in the region are considered.

Author Biography

Natalia Aleksandrovna Matushkina, The Ural Branch of RAS

Candidate of Economic Sciences
Place of work, post: Institute of Economics, the Ural Branch of RAS (620014, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Moskovskaya St., 29) - Senior Researcher



How to Cite

Matushkina, N. A. (2024). Transformation of Foreign Trade Cargo Flows of an Industrial Region: features and prospects. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (10), 98–113.



Foreign trade activity