Enterprises of the Vladimir Region: Export Basket Analysis


  • Ilia Antonovich Aksenov Vladimir State University Named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs



export, Vladimir region, industrial sector, 2020, raw material base, customs statistics


The article analyzes the export basket of industrial enterprises in the Vladimir region. The importance of the industrial sector in the budget revenues of the Vladimir region is reflected. In the article, the author scrutinizes the list of goods exported by the region’s enterprises. The structure of the Vladimir region’s export basket in 2020 by groups is revealed: food products, drinks, textiles, woodworking, pharmaceutical industry, rubber and plastic products, glass production, metallurgical production, electronic products, electrical equipment, machine tools and mechanical engineering, furniture. A high degree of diversification of the export potential of the Vladimir region is noted.

Author Biography

Ilia Antonovich Aksenov, Vladimir State University Named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Place of work, post: Vladimir State University Named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs (8 Studencheskaya str., 600005, Vladimir, Russia) - Assistant Professor of the Department of State Law and Customs Administration



How to Cite

Aksenov, I. A. (2024). Enterprises of the Vladimir Region: Export Basket Analysis. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 59–74.



Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation