Counter-Sanctions Measures of Iran and Venezuela to Overcome Restrictions on Oil Exports


  • Валерий Леонидович Абрамов
  • Владимир Николаевич Живалов



sanctions, counter-sanctions measures, export, import, foreign economic activity, state budget, Iran, Venezuela, USA.


The relevance of the article is determined by the unprecedented sanctions imposed against Russia by the United States, EU countries, and a number of other unfriendly countries, which have signifi cantly changed the conditions for conducting foreign economic activity for Russian business entities. The article analyzes the counter-sanctions measures used by Iran and Venezuela, whose revenues from oil exports make up a large share of the state budget. The obtained results could be used in the practice of Russian companies to overcome sanctions restrictions.

Author Biographies

Валерий Леонидович Абрамов

доктор экономических наук , Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, Институт исследований международных экономических отношений, главный научный сотрудник, профессор Департамента мировой экономики и мировых финансов

Владимир Николаевич Живалов

доктор экономических наук , Всероссийская академия внешней торговли , аналитик I категории Центра социально-политических исследований Института развития интеграционных процессов



How to Cite

Абрамов, В. Л., & Живалов, В. Н. (2023). Counter-Sanctions Measures of Iran and Venezuela to Overcome Restrictions on Oil Exports. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 75–86.



International trade

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