Forecasting the Traffic at Border Checkpoints on the Border of the Russian Federation


  • Tatiana Aleksandrovna Bakwenye Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Dmitriy Sergeevich Gordeev Russian Foreign Trade Academy



Forecasting the traffic at border checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation helps mitigate risks associated with both excessive and insufficient workload. A modeling framework and an algorithm for calculating checkpoint congestion have been developed for the analysis. The system enables monitoring and forecasting aimed at optimizing the capacity of border checkpoints under the changing international business environment. This allows government authorities to make science-based decisions regarding the maintenance, reconstruction, and development of infrastructure along the state border.

Author Biographies

Tatiana Aleksandrovna Bakwenye, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Deputy Head of the Institute, Institute for International Economics and Finance

Dmitriy Sergeevich Gordeev, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Senior Researcher, Institute for International Economics and Finance



How to Cite

Bakwenye, T. A., & Gordeev, D. S. (2025). Forecasting the Traffic at Border Checkpoints on the Border of the Russian Federation. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 82–91.



Foreign trade activity