Russia's Foreign Economic Affairs: the African Destination


  • Anna Igorevna Alekseeva Samara State University of Economics
  • Natalia Igorevna Ivanova Samara State University of Economics



The African destination is becoming increasingly important in foreign economic affairs. Africa’s inability to extract and use itself the natural resources justifies the relevance of the issue. The authors analyze Russia-Africa economic cooperation in various areas, and in particular study its historical and institutional foundations. These constitute Russia’s competitive advantage in the rivalry with the United States and China for influence across the continent. Energy, oil production, metallurgy and education are the key promising sectors in terms of developing Russia-Africa relations.

Author Biographies

Anna Igorevna Alekseeva, Samara State University of Economics

4th year student, «World Economy and Foreign Affairs» program

Natalia Igorevna Ivanova, Samara State University of Economics

Candidate of Sciences in Economics,

Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Theory



How to Cite

Alekseeva, A. I., & Ivanova, N. I. (2025). Russia’s Foreign Economic Affairs: the African Destination. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 118–130.



Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation