Russia’s Construction Services Export Potential: Opportunities of Using Th e Akkuyu NPP Case


  • Степан Олегович Танганов ПАО «Каршеринг Руссия»



foreign trade, construction services, exports, Akkuyu Power Plant, sanctions, services sector, nuclear power industry, Türkiye


The article analyzes the potential for Russia’s exports of services in the nuclear power industry. The author analyzes the model of Akkuyu Power Plant project implementation, highlights its main advantages and risks. Much attention is paid to the economic feasibility of the project, identifying the main fi nancial risks. Further, the author analyzes the demand in the nuclear power market, the opportunities of applying the experience of Akkuyu Power Plant for the implementation of projects in other countries. Based on the fi ndings of the study, it is concluded that there is high potential for Russia’s exports of construction services in the nuclear power industry. Key areas of development were identifi ed and the potential for project implementation was highly assessed. Besides, measures to improve the model of interaction with partner countries were proposed, including the reduction of fi nancial risks and improvement of the personnel training system.

Author Biography

Степан Олегович Танганов, ПАО «Каршеринг Руссия»

ПАО «Каршеринг Руссия» , финансовый аналитик; аспирант



How to Cite

Танганов, С. О. (2024). Russia’s Construction Services Export Potential: Opportunities of Using Th e Akkuyu NPP Case. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (3), 127–134.



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