Brexit issues and features


  • Alexander Ivanovich Belchuk Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Evgenij Andreevich Litvinov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Yuri Anatolievich Savinov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Leonid Vladimirovich Sabelnikov Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI)



«Brexit», Russia, The United Kingdom, European Union, economic consequences, customs, foreign trade, restrictions, “Hard brexit”, “Soft brexit”, sanctions, WTO tariffs


This article deals with Brexit, its implementation issues, eff ects on the UK, the European Union, the world economy and Russia. The relevance and importance of the article is that the UK’s exit from the European Union is unprecedented. There is some uncertainty about the future
of events after Brexit. Thus, it is necessary to understand this problem. The authors consider various aspects and features of Brexit, give an idea of the essence of this process, its consequences for various spheres (economic, political, social, etc.), the prospects and future of this project.

Author Biographies

Alexander Ivanovich Belchuk, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob`evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of World and National Economics - Professor

Evgenij Andreevich Litvinov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob`evskoe shosse,6A) – International Economists faculty, 2nd year student

Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob`evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of foreign trade and international transactions – Professor

Leonid Vladimirovich Sabelnikov, Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI)

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of RF
Place of work, post: Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI) (119285, Moscow, 4 Pudovkina St.), Department of International Trade and Multilateral Economic Cooperation - Head of the department



How to Cite

Belchuk, A. I., Litvinov, E. A., Savinov, Y. A., & Sabelnikov, L. V. (2024). Brexit issues and features. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (12), 22–30.



World economy

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