Russia «in the mirror» of OECD and world economy


  • Alena Vladimirovna Mulendeeva Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov
  • Valeriy Vladislavovich Smirnov Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov


dynamic properties, method, forecast, development, status, growth rates, factor analysis


The subject of the research is the dynamic properties of Russia’s economic development «in the mirror» of the OECD and the world. The article presents a forecast based on the analysis of changes in the growth rates of net investment in non-financial assets, tax revenues, expenses, high-tech exports, research and development costs, unemployment, the broad money supply, the index-deflator of GDP, imports and exports of goods, real GDP per capita in the associated time series, with the subsequent linear approximation of the least squares method in the future and the calculation of the average rate of growth for 2002 – 2020. It is shown that the Russian economy is the leader of buoyant development of world economic activity, which has a high status of stability.

Author Biographies

Alena Vladimirovna Mulendeeva, Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov

Place of work, post: Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov (15, Moskovskiy prosp., Cheboksary, Chuvashskaya Respublika, 428015. Russian Federation) Physical Geography and Geomorphology Faculty, Physical geography and geomorphology department - Senior lecturer

Valeriy Vladislavovich Smirnov, Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Place of work, post: Chuvash state University named after I. N. Ulyanov (15, Moskovskiy prosp., Cheboksary, Chuvashskaya Respublika, 428015, Russian Federation), Faculty of management and social technologies, department of branch economy - Associate Professor



How to Cite

Mulendeeva, A. V., & Smirnov, V. V. (2024). Russia «in the mirror» of OECD and world economy. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (5), 112–126. Retrieved from



World economy