Once again about customs terminology in the field of classification of goods


  • Elena Islyamovna Andreeva Russian customs academy
  • Anatolij Vasil’evich Nesterov Russian Customs Academy


goods, customs, classification, classifier, classifying, FEACN, EAEU, terminology


In the practice of classification of goods by Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature of the Customs Union (FEACN) there are terminological collisions in statutory documents, the resolution of which is impossible without deep comprehension of individual concepts. The article analyzes the concept of “classification of goods” by FEACN used in different meanings, for example, when creating a classification code and positioning a certain product in the existing classifier, i.e. product identification against different available groupings in the classifier. The analysis of the primary sources was conducted and incorrect translation of the term “classification” widely used in foreign trade and customs practice is shown. The authors established different meanings for the words “classification” and “classifying” in relation to FEACN and propose to use appropriate terms for corresponding definitions.

Author Biographies

Elena Islyamovna Andreeva, Russian customs academy

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Customs Academy (11/5, Novozavodskaya st., Moscow, 121087), Department of commodity research and customs examination - Associate Professor

Anatolij Vasil’evich Nesterov, Russian Customs Academy

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Customs Academy (11/5, Novozavodskaya st., Moscow, 121087), Department of commodity research and customs examination - Professor



How to Cite

Andreeva, E. I., & Nesterov, A. V. (2024). Once again about customs terminology in the field of classification of goods. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (5), 36–42. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/2436



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