Bilateral agreements in terms of tax information exchange: differentiation by content and subject matter


  • Maria Sergeevna Pekarskaya Russian Foreign Trade Academy


exchange of tax information, OECD tax instruments, bilateral tax agreements, double taxation agreements, tax information exchange agreements, agreements on legal assistance in tax matters


This article focuses on general characteristics of bilateral agreements of states addressing the issues of tax information exchange. The author presents the classification of bilateral agreements composed of double taxation agreements, tax information exchange agreements, agreements on legal assistance in tax matters and other bilateral agreements related somehow to exchange of tax information between states. The article contains the analysis of the principal contents of abovementioned bilateral agreements, including agreements concluded between the Russian Federation and foreign states

Author Biography

Maria Sergeevna Pekarskaya, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4A), International Law Department - Lecturer, Postgraduate student



How to Cite

Pekarskaya, M. S. (2024). Bilateral agreements in terms of tax information exchange: differentiation by content and subject matter. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (4), 119–132. Retrieved from



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