Foreign trade activity of Bangladesh amid globalization of the world economy
Bangladesh, export-oriented industry, foreign trade, foreign direct investment, economic globalization, jute, shipbuilding and shipbreakingAbstract
The purpose of this article is to study the state and trends of Bangladesh’s foreign trade activities in the context of the rapid globalization of the world economy. Based on the statistics of the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the BP Yearbook on Energy, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and the National Bank, the main indicators of international economic activities at the present stage are analyzed, their dynamics and structural changes are revealed. The author pays special attention to the importance of such components of economic globalization as international movement of goods, capital and labor resources, and the development of the Bangladeshi economy. Some aspects of economic cooperation of Bangladesh are highlighted in the framework of bilateral and multilateral partnership. In particular, the features of foreign trade cooperation between Russia and Bangladesh are analyzed.