WTO-Minus Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements


  • Alexey Oskarovich Yamalutdinov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Daria Andreevna Zavershinskaja High School of Economics




RTA, WTO, WTO-minus provisions, DSB WTO, the WTO Appellate Body, GATS, GATT, OECD, schedule of specific commitments, negative approach to the scheduling of specific commitments, multilateral trading system


This article analyzes the WTO-minus provisions in regional trade agreements (RTAs), their origin and compatibility with the WTO Agreements. Different points of view in relation to the purpose of the WTO-minus provisions and international practice of their application are examined. The classification of the WTO-minus provisions and the ways of their identification in the text of regional trade agreements are discussed. The categories of services for which the WTO-minus provisions in RTAs are most frequently used are highlighted.

Author Biographies

Alexey Oskarovich Yamalutdinov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Postgraduate student

Daria Andreevna Zavershinskaja, High School of Economics

Place of work, post: High School of Economics, Master of the Law of International Trade, Finance and Economic Integration



How to Cite

Yamalutdinov, A. O., & Zavershinskaja, D. A. (2024). WTO-Minus Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (10), 121–132. https://doi.org/10.24412.2072-8042-2022-10-121-132



Research reviews