Analysis of the transaction for the import of plywood in Russia


  • Sergey Aleksandrovich Bartenev Russian Foreign Trade Academy (RFTA)
  • Vladimir Arsenievich Burenin Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia
  • Victor Nikolayevich Kirillov The State University of Management (SUM)
  • Anna Vasilyevna Skurova Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia



plywood, world market, imports, the purchase contract, the terms of the contract


The global plywood market is one of the major commodity markets and many Russian enterprises of the forest industry successfully operate in it. Due to the specifics of demand Russian firms sell and buy different varieties of plywood. In this article, the authors analyze a foreign trade contract
for the purchase of plywood on the world market for further use in Russia. Various aspects of the contract, in particular, the terms of quality control, delivery of the goods, payment terms, liabilities of the parties are considered in detail. In examining the issues of payment it is assumed
that the importer effects payment by bank transfer. Despite being one of the cheapest methods of payment, it may imply the risk of non-delivery. At the end of the article, the legal aspects of the foreign trade transaction in question are outlined.

Author Biographies

Sergey Aleksandrovich Bartenev, Russian Foreign Trade Academy (RFTA)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of World and National Economics - Professor

Vladimir Arsenievich Burenin, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia, Department of Management and Marketing - Professor

Victor Nikolayevich Kirillov, The State University of Management (SUM)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: The State University of Management (99 Ryazanskiy Prospekt, Moscow 109542), Department of World Economy - Professor

Anna Vasilyevna Skurova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia

Candidate of Economic Sciences
Place of work, post: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia (Vernadskogo prospekt, 76, Moscow, 119454) - Senior Lecturer



How to Cite

Bartenev, S. A., Burenin, V. A., Kirillov, V. N., & Skurova, A. V. (2024). Analysis of the transaction for the import of plywood in Russia. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (10), 50–56.



Foreign trade activity

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