Features of functioning and development of auctions under global trade wars


  • Evgenij Andreevich Litvinov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Yuri Anatolievich Savinov Russian Foreign Trade Academy




аuctions, world trade wars, sanctions, auction house, restrictions, Russia, USA, China, deal


In international trade auctions are used as a form of market relations. Auctions are widely spread in world practice primarily due to the fact that they have proved effective in creating real competition during the bidding process. At auctions it is possible to sell a large amount of goods or place orders for large and complex objects. The authors provide insight into the nature and features of international auctions, as well as the peculiarities of the functioning and development of auctions in the face of sanctions used as a weapon in world trade wars.

Author Biographies

Evgenij Andreevich Litvinov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A) - International Economists faculty, 1st year student

Yuri Anatolievich Savinov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of foreign trade and international transactions - Professor



How to Cite

Litvinov, E. A., & Savinov, Y. A. (2024). Features of functioning and development of auctions under global trade wars. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (7), 115–124. https://doi.org/10.24412.2072-8042-2019-00083



Research reviews