Foreign trade agenda: overcoming recession


  • Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences


foreign trade relations, recession, “Asian reorientation”, export promotion, import substitution, competitiveness


The article estimates the results of the development of foreign trade relations in the complicated conditions during the previous three years. It gives evaluation of the process of reorientation of parts of the trade and investment flows from the European to Asian direction. It states that the policy of export promotion and import substitution can push forward the economic growth only if a large-scale production of goods and services comparable with foreign analogues according to the criteria price/quality has been organized. The author concludes that in the present difficult conditions foreign challenges can and must be addressed through the coordinated and consistent cooperation of the state and business in order to overcome the technological gap between Russia and leading countries, which conserves a very strong dependence of Russia on the world market, and to raise competitiveness of the industries and enterprises outside the scope of the fuel and energy complex and the military-industrial complex.

Author Biography

Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy, Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Institute of Economics Russian Academy of Science (32, Nakhimovskii prosp., 117218, Moscow) – Principal Researcher, Primakov Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations Russian Academy of Science, Principal Researcher



How to Cite

Obolenskiy, V. P. (2024). Foreign trade agenda: overcoming recession. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (5), 19–26. Retrieved from



Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation