Prospects for Russia’s export expansion and its state support


  • Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak Russian Foreign Trade Academy


exports, export expansion, developing countries, middle class, demand, diversification, export support, instruments


The article reveals opportunities for the increase in Russian exports to rapidly growing markets of developing countries with a view of large-scale changes in their economies and structure of demand. The following developments are emphasized: dynamic rise of middle class and consumption expenditures in China and India, increasing comfortable demand for Russian industrial and agricultural goods, business services on part of the so called second echelon highly populated developing countries (with due regard of Russia’s competitive and technological capacities). Conceptual and practical suggestions for the provision of Russian export expansion by means of state support instruments are formulated, viz.: consistent export diversification policy, integration of export development issues into wider industrial policy, coordinated use of all support instruments, shift of export policy focus directly to exporters, complex measures for the promotion of most favoured policy principle for the exporters in regulatory, financial, administrative, organizational, trade policy and other spheres.

Author Biography

Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Honored Worker of Science of RF
Place of work, post: Russian Market Research Institute (VNIKI) (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina, 4) - Director, Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob`evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of International Trade and Foreign Trade of the RF – the Head



How to Cite

Spartak, A. N. (2024). Prospects for Russia’s export expansion and its state support. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (5), 3–18. Retrieved from



Foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation