Developing Tajikistan’s Foreign Trade as a Way to Improve Living Standards


  • Aleksander Nikolayevich Zakharov Russian Foreign Trade Academy
  • Muhayyoi Asomidin Rahimzoda Corvinus University of Budapest



Tajikistan, poverty level, reforms, foreign economic policy, trade and economic relations between Tajikistan and Russia


Tajikistan was considered one of the fastest growing developing economies in Europe and Central Asia in the previous decade, according to the World Bank. This growth was due to the strategic investments to reduce poverty and improve living standards. However, despite all efforts, Tajikistan remains one of the less developed post-Soviet countries. The article analyzes the external factors such as lack of access to the sea, underdevelopment of foreign trade, regional instability, dependence on the Russian economy, drug trafficking and the risk of terrorism, and internal factors including poor governance, low education levels, high population growth, environmental degradation, inadequate activities of institutions and high unemployment, which exacerbate the problem. The main challenges and threats to poverty reduction in Tajikistan are examined, including the dependence of the economy on remittances, the situation in neighboring Afghanistan and the Taliban’s rise to power, the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The authors focus on the ways to address the challenges and threats to poverty reduction in Tajikistan and the role of foreign trade in this regard.

Author Biographies

Aleksander Nikolayevich Zakharov, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of World and National Economy, Professor

Muhayyoi Asomidin Rahimzoda, Corvinus University of Budapest

Place of work, post: Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Ph.D. student, World Economy Department



How to Cite

Zakharov, A. N., & Rahimzoda, M. A. (2024). Developing Tajikistan’s Foreign Trade as a Way to Improve Living Standards. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (3), 85–93.



Foreign trade activity