Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference (Nairobi, Kenya, 15-19 December 2015): Nairobi package and issues of future WTO activities


  • Ippolit Ippolitovich Dyumulen Russian Foreign Trade Academy


World Trade Organization, 20 years of the WTO, the Tenth WTO conference, Nairobi Declaration, Nairobi Package, Doha Development Agenda, Doha round, export competition, export subsidies, least developed countries, Information Technology Agreement


In the article, the author considers the results of the Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference with the detailed analysis of the Nairobi Ministerial Declaration. The ministerial decisions contained in the Nairobi Package are evaluated. Special attention is paid to the ministerial decisions on agriculture (export competition) and problems of the least developed countries. Besides, the Information Technology Agreement adopted in Nairobi is examined. Particular emphasis is laid on the reasons and nature of disagreements between the developed and developing countries on the agenda and arrangement of the Doha round multilateral negotiations. In the final part of the article, the author assesses the prospects for resuming the WTO multilateral negotiations.

Author Biography

Ippolit Ippolitovich Dyumulen, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Science Worker of the Russian Federation

Work place, position: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, Department of foreign trade and international transactions - Professor



How to Cite

Dyumulen, I. I. (2024). Tenth WTO Ministerial Conference (Nairobi, Kenya, 15-19 December 2015): Nairobi package and issues of future WTO activities. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (1), 3–15. Retrieved from https://journal.vavt.ru/rfej/article/view/1978



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