Mathematical modeling in foreign trade contracts


  • Valeriy Viktorovich Ivanov Russian foreign trade academy, National research university “MIET”
  • Yuriy Karenovich Sarkisyants Russian Foreign Trade Academy



mathematical modeling, sales contract, machine learning, artificial intelligence, automated decision making


The article presents principles and algorithms of sales contract modeling with big data processing. Special emphasis is made on practical issues of selection and adjustment of mathematical models for each part of the algorithm. The authors suggest a complete contract model linking together different mathematical models into a single system for forming and monitoring execution of a foreign trade contract. When choosing the tools, the authors take into account the latest trends in data science, technical and technological innovations, as well as specific characteristics of conducting foreign trade. The suggested technology of contract modeling is based on experimental data analysis and big data forecasting. This approach allows to enhance the efficiency of contract business processes, exclude human factor and significantly mitigate possible losses caused by inaccurate and superficial predictive analysis.

Author Biographies

Valeriy Viktorovich Ivanov, Russian foreign trade academy, National research university “MIET”

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Place of work, post: Russian foreign trade academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of finance and monetary relations – Professor, National research university “MIET”, Department of marketing and project management – Professor

Yuriy Karenovich Sarkisyants, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Place of work, post: Russian foreign trade academy (119285, Moscow, Vorob’evskoe shosse, 6A), Department of international finance, 4th year student



How to Cite

Ivanov, V. V., & Sarkisyants, Y. K. (2024). Mathematical modeling in foreign trade contracts. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (5), 77–92.



Foreign trade activity