The Digital Economy in Russia: its Current Status and Development Challenges


  • Anna Victorovna Asadullina Russian Foreign Trade Academy


Digital Economy, BCG e-Intensity Index, Internet Penetration, the Programme “The digital economy of the Russian Federation”, ”Freedom and Security cost” Index


The article deals with the separate elements of the digital transformation in the Russian economy. It makes a comparative analysis of the development indices of the digital economy both in Russia and lead countries. The article also describes the system initiatives that the state has become implementing actively in the fields of the economy digitalization including the Programme “The digital economy of the Russian Federation” adopted by the Russian Government 28 July, 2017. The author specifies the problems of the implementation established in the Programme and some threats, which can involve the digitalization processes of the Russian economy, more widely.

Author Biography

Anna Victorovna Asadullina, Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Place of work, post: Russian Foreign Trade Academy (119285, Moscow, Pudovkina str, 4a), Department of world and national economy - Associate Professor



How to Cite

Asadullina, A. V. (2024). The Digital Economy in Russia: its Current Status and Development Challenges. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (6), 98–112. Retrieved from



World economy