Modern world energy market
oil, gas, coal, renewable resources, energy policy and balances, price policy, net-exports, net-importsAbstract
The article reviews the world energy market, successfully balanced by the leading oil exporters (OPEC+) by limiting oil production, encouraging price rise over 60% during the last two years - despite US intensive political pressure and speeding up shale oil and gas extraction, thus relieving its import dependency from 32 to 14%. Besides, Us energy exports have been boosted regardless
of world exporters’ activities to arrange the market. The world markets of oil, gas, coal, nuclear energy, hydroelectricity and renewable energy are considered in the article. Chinese advances in the sphere of energy are noted as well as their positive influence on the world market. An exclusive comparative tables of world balance sheets for basic energy sources are presented, compiled by the authors on the data of the «British Petroleum».