The multilateral organizations and forums in development of the international economic relations


  • Leonid Vladimirovich Sabelnikov All-Rusian Market Resaerch Institute


The multilateral organizations and forums in development of international economic relations, multilateral organizations, multilateral system of regulation of international economic relations, specialized multilateral organizations, formal and informal organizations, clubs of creditors, writings obligatory and non-binding documents, optimization of benefits, minimization of costs, abuses in the world market


The article considers the history of development of multilateral economic organizations since the second part of the XIX century till the present time: the growing number of the organizations and their members and notably expanding spheres of activities. The author examines the "division of labour" among organizations: their specialization in regulation of international economic relations in particular areas and groups of countries; joining efforts of the international community in opposing criminal influence in international economic relations. The article concludes that during globalization era a global comprehensive system for regulating international economic relations on multilateral level is being formed, and all countries are eager to participate in this system.

Author Biography

Leonid Vladimirovich Sabelnikov, All-Rusian Market Resaerch Institute

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russia
Place of work, post: All-Rusian Market Resaerch Institute, Head of Department of International Trade and multilateral economic cooperation, Center for Basic Research Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, Chief Researcher



How to Cite

Sabelnikov, L. V. (2024). The multilateral organizations and forums in development of the international economic relations. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (5), 22–29. Retrieved from



Foreign economic relations