Russia’s role in development of monetary and financial cooperation of EurAsEC countries


  • Karen Aleksandrovich Nertsesov Moscow Main Territorial Administration of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation


Currency and financial interaction, customs union, free capital movement, common economic area, regional reserve currency, international financial centre


The article is devoted to Russia’s significance for the development of currency and financial relations of EurAsEC countries. It deals with new steps of these states for strengthening the mutual economic cooperation (establishment of the customs union and forming conditions for a common economic area). Special attention is paid to Russia’s role as the main investor of the Anticrisis fund and creditor of some EurAsEC countries.

Author Biography

Karen Aleksandrovich Nertsesov, Moscow Main Territorial Administration of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Work place, position: Moscow Main Territorial Administration of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Lead Economist



How to Cite

Nertsesov, K. A. (2024). Russia’s role in development of monetary and financial cooperation of EurAsEC countries. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (7), 51–60. Retrieved from



World economy