The development of trade and investment cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the states of the CAREC


  • Nonna Ruslanovna Gainullina Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



Republic of Kazakhstan, CAREC, integration, trade, trade turnover, investments, Central Asia


Global uncertainty has led to the strengthening and development of regional integration processes. One example of regional cooperation that could be further developed is the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program. The CAREC member states occupy a strategic position, located at the intersection of interests of representatives of the main economically active zones of the world economy. Most countries have similar challenges to developing a sustainable economy and competitiveness. The main problems are related to the underdevelopment of infrastructure, the lack of export of higher-value-added products. Kazakhstan is one of the countries participating in this agreement and is one of the most successful economies in Central Asia. The article analyzes Kazakhstan’s trade turnover with the CAREC member countries, its commodity structure, their investment cooperation, and identifies promising partner countries.

Author Biography

Nonna Ruslanovna Gainullina, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Work place, position: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Postgraduate student



How to Cite

Gainullina, N. R. (2024). The development of trade and investment cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the states of the CAREC. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (7), 102–114.



International trade