Issues of customs regulation and customs payments on group 02 FEACN of the EEU goods imported to the Russian Federation under embargo
Meat, meat products, prohibitions, embargoes, import duties, customs paymentsAbstract
In the paper, the authors estimate the volume and value of imports of group 02 unified Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature of the Eurasian Economic Union (FEACN of the EEU) goods under embargo. Evaluations are based on the trade statistics of the customs service of the Russian Federation. The analysis has shown that the goods of group 02 FEACN of the EEU were imported with a certain periodicity. It is noted that the reduction in customs duties in 2014 against 2013 was due to items 0201 FEACN of the EEU (about 23%; 5.2 million dollars), item 0202 FEACN of the EEU (about 8%; 30 million), item 0203 FEACN of the EEU (36%; 500 million dollars), and item 0207 FEACN of the EEU (6%; 9 million dollars).
How to Cite
Svinukhov, V. G., & Senotrusova, S. V. (2024). Issues of customs regulation and customs payments on group 02 FEACN of the EEU goods imported to the Russian Federation under embargo. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 78–87. Retrieved from
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