International wine trade and regional markets


  • Marina Yurievna Simonova-Khitrova Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia


World exports of wine, wine imports, the geographical structure of world trade, competition, marketing


The article analyzes the main trends in the global wine trade in the last half decade of the 21st century and wine markets features of some countries. The study of the volume dynamics of world wine exports shows the leading position of Spain. In value terms, the first place in the world traditionally belongs to France. Geographic structure of imports of this drink shows the change in the composition of the leading trio with Germany at the top and the United States being the leading importer of wines in value terms. The growing role of new markets is still insignificant while the traditional markets entered a period of steady demand. Under increasing competition, manufacturers should focus on marketing strategies, finding new niches and approaches to the promotion of products in the existing segments.

Author Biography

Marina Yurievna Simonova-Khitrova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia

Place of work, post: Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) MFA Russia, Competitor



How to Cite

Simonova-Khitrova, M. Y. (2024). International wine trade and regional markets. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (10), 116–125. Retrieved from



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