Civil aircraft market forecast


  • Elisabeth Yurievna Kruglova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Global aviation market, forecasting, commercial aviation, competitive strategy


Modern aviation market is international thanks to the ongoing liberalization and globalization of aircraft and air traffic markets. Forecasting the global aviation market is an important aspect in the development of growth and competitive strategies of an aircraft manufacturer. Development of an effective competitive strategy by an aircraft manufacturer requires realistic forecast of the aircraft carrier’s demand for new air vehicles for the long term. The article provides an overview of the global aviation market, forecasts development of the aviation market, and offers recommendations for improving competitive strategies of Russia’s commercial aircraft business.

Author Biography

Elisabeth Yurievna Kruglova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Place of work, post: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Postgraduate student



How to Cite

Kruglova, E. Y. (2024). Civil aircraft market forecast. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (10), 104–115. Retrieved from



Research reviews