Assessment of export diversification in Russian regions


  • Elena Alekseevna Shamova Institute of economics of the Ural branch of Russian academy of sciences; Ural state university of economics
  • Yuliya Gennad’evna Myslyakova Institute of economics of the Ural branch of Russian academy of sciences; Ural state university of economics


export, export commodity diversification, assessment of regional level, approaches to export diversification


The paper considers diversification of export in Russian regions. The author analyzed scientific influence of specialization and diversification of export on indicators of economic development of the country. Change of structure of export of Russia for 2006-2016 is researched. Based on the 76 regions analysis the author evaluated regional level of Russian export diversification. It is proved that it is necessary to study in details the dynamics of export diversification on separate commodity groups for each region. This research is conducted for the regions of the Ural Federal District. The paper gives recommendations on diversification of their export basket.

Author Biographies

Elena Alekseevna Shamova, Institute of economics of the Ural branch of Russian academy of sciences; Ural state university of economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences
Place of work, post: Institute of economics of the Ural branch of Russian academy of sciences, senior researcher at the Centre of regional comparative research; Ural state university of economics (620014, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Moskovskaya st. 29), Department of marketing and international management - Assistant professor

Yuliya Gennad’evna Myslyakova, Institute of economics of the Ural branch of Russian academy of sciences; Ural state university of economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences
Place of work, post: Institute of economics of the Ural branch of Russian academy of sciences, senior researcher at the Centre of regional comparative research; Ural state university of economics (620014, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Moskovskaya st. 29), Department of marketing and international management - Assistant professor



How to Cite

Shamova, E. A., & Myslyakova, Y. G. (2024). Assessment of export diversification in Russian regions. Russian Foreign Economic Journal, (9), 33–45. Retrieved from



Foreign trade activity

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